BBC News, 18 April 2009
Full story
Janey Antoniou has schizophrenia. She regularly hears voices and has paranoid delusions.
But when the emergency services try to help her, or others like her, they can end up making things much worse.
In a bid to try and prevent misunderstandings, Janey, with the use of a tape filled with competing voices, has been coaching ambulance service staff on the world of schizophrenia.
"I see the world differently from other people. I have delusions which can lead me to do strange thing such as walking around London all night trying to get away from a Filipino army.
Social murder: navigating privilege and harm
I got privy to this (social murder as shared in the graphic) when I ended
up homeless for two weeks in Dec of 2020. A wild tantric journey in which I
3 days ago
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