The Journal Times
December 1, 2008
The Park Theatre Department will present the drama “Voices from the Shore” by Max Bush
Joel and his best friend for many years, Lucas, are awaiting friends to attend a senior-year, spring-break, beach party. Joel seems abnormally tense as he and Lucas discuss their fears and hopes for the future. When Trisha, Holly, Rick, Laura, and Joel’s girlfriend, Beth, arrive, it’s clear that the friendship, dreams and concerns about the future after graduation are on the minds of everyone. Beth confronts Joel about their relationship; and as Joel’s anxiety level rises, we begin to understand that he is hearing voices. These voices insistently torment Joel resulting in him being admitted into an adolescent, acute-care psychiatric hospital. .... “Voices from the Shore” celebrates the anxieties, triumphs and glories of young adults struggling with understanding their changing dreams and with the responsibility for realizing them.
Social murder: navigating privilege and harm
I got privy to this (social murder as shared in the graphic) when I ended
up homeless for two weeks in Dec of 2020. A wild tantric journey in which I
3 days ago
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