Voice hearer, Jamal Ahmed commenting on the faliure of mental health services to provide appropriate support and how a hearing voices group helps...
Jamal Ahmed, 41, from West Yorkshire was diagnosed with schizophrenia five years ago but has never heard of the Nice guidance.
Mr Ahmed said: "I have been on an endless list of medications but my psychiatrist never discusses side effects and he doesn't like me asking questions. In his opinion, he's the doctor and so he knows best. What I think doesn't matter. He asks me the same set of questions and I tell him what he wants to hear. But I'd like him to sit down, listen to what I'm saying and come out of his box."
He added: "I found the Hearing Voices group from a poster, which is great because I get support from others in the same boat. Everyone in the group lies to their doctors because they are afraid what will happen if they are honest. There are no other choices."
Full article The Independent, 8th September 2008
Social murder: navigating privilege and harm
I got privy to this (social murder as shared in the graphic) when I ended
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3 days ago